Co-hosted by the State Administration for Market Regulation of P.R.China, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Silk-road Planning and Research Center, and the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the Belt and Road Eco-agriculture and Food Safety Forum was successfully held on November 6, 2020 at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center.
Tom Heilandt, Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission delivered a video message at the 13th Belt and Road Eco-Agriculture and Food Safety Forum
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Dajia Hao!
This is the second time I speak at the Belt and Road Eco-Agriculture and Food Safety Forum. Last year was an exciting experience because I was in Shanghai and not only participated in the forum but also had the opportunity to visit the CIIE – what an amazing exhibition that is.
When the Forum Secretariat asked me to continue co-hosting the forum and to deliver a speech on Food Safety and Traceability Systems on behalf of the Codex Alimentarius Commission I was honored to agree.
This year I am greeting you from Germany and while I am sad I could not make it to Shanghai, the magic of zoom allows me to leave the autumn colors of Germany and arrive in the Shanghai conference centre in a clck
That was in 2019 – seems a long time ago. 2020 did not turn out the way anybody expected but work continued in food safety – work continued in Codex.
We had very successful virtual meetings and a virtual celebration of the second world food safety day on 7 June 2020.
When you are seeing this, we will have just finished the first ever virtual Codex Alimentarius Commission. which went very well.
As you know, the Codex Alimentarius Commission is committed to safeguarding the health of consumers and ensuring fair practices in the food trade.
Codex sets the international food safety and quality standards which serve as a benchmark in WTO SPS and TBT. Together with our colleagues in FAO and WHO we promote and facilitate the implementation of our standards in all countries.
One Belt, one Road is a wonderful initiative with deep impact across many countries and it is very encouraging that more and more professionals and relevant organizations have joined in this cause and work together, for a more comprehensive international food safety and quality management system.
The establishment of traceability such as proposed by the CCIC Traceability System will provide a strong technical measure to ensure tracking of the whole organic product supply chain from production to retail.
Traceability Systems play a significant role in ensuring food safety, quality and authenticity all over the world. This was also recognized by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in a Guideline developed by the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS) and is further developed our discussions on food fraud prevention and food integrity.
Establishing and maintaining records containing key data elements associated with different critical tracking events in the supply chain, will help us to accurately identify the origin of food safety issues. Potentially unsafe products can be identified and removed from the market to prevent food safety incidents from spreading and causing illness and death.
Traceability can help to analyze causes of outbreaks and implement better standards and solutions to prevent similar issues in the future.
The "Belt and Road" Agriculture and Food Trade Information Platform has made great contributions to international food safety exchanges and cooperation.
The construction of the CICC Traceability System will also provide a strong guarantee for food safety and authenticity in China.
As in all new and complex systems introduced in the food supply chain, great efforts must be made so that nobody is left behind. Not the small producers and not the developing countries. “Belt and Road” is a partnership of many countries at different stages of development and it is expected from us in international organizations that this partnership will also actively work towards supporting the weakest and making it possible for them to enjoy the benefits of international trade.
2020 did not turn out as anyone had expected but a lot happened also at Codex parent organizations FAO and WHO who both intensified their strategic work on food safety.
All UN organizations are working towards the important UN Food systems summit 2021 and towards the SDGs.
Food safety is important for that because: if it is not safe – it is not food!
FAO Director General Qū Dōngyù had presented a manifesto last year including the four betters:
Gèng hâo de shēng chân
Gèng hâo de yíng yâng
Gèng hâo de huán jìng
Gèng hâo de shēng huó
These four aspirations have been combined in the narrative :
Leaving No One Behind through sustainable, inclusive and resilient food systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life. This narrative will drive the new FAO strategic framework.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission will continue to devote itself to building a global governance system of food safety and fair trade practices for all countries Virtual or physical – we will maintain our values: inclusiveness, collaboration, consensus building and transparency.
We will continue to cooperate with you and all other stakeholders in China and I am happy to say that over the next 4 years our cooperation with China will become even stronger as China has just been nominated regional coordinator for Asia. This means that in addition to the two important Codex Committees on Food Additives and Pesticide Residues, China will also host and chair the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia and participate as member in our highest advisory body: The Executive Committee. This is a success for everyone in China working on food safety and fair trade practices.
2020 did not turn out as anyone expected. 2021 will also be new territory. I count on your support to celebrate the third world food safety day on 7 June 2021 and I hope to be back at your next meeting – if possible in person.
It has been a pleasure to talk to you today – we have a lot of common goals: (1) providing safe, nutritious, sustainably produced and affordable foods to every home and (2) Make sure that all those working in the industry and the supply chains from the producer to the final seller get a fair price and income for their work.
All this is only possible if we work together – public – private – national – international and global.
Thank you!
Xiwang mingnian women keyi zai shanghai jian
Xie xie
Zai Jian